Friday, November 21, 2008

Well, I knew BYU players were gay but THIS!?

So like I have mentioned many times in the past, ALL BYU players are gay. It doesn't matter where they come from, it doesn't matter if they SAY that they aren't gay, they are.

It is especially easy to see that they are all gay what with the dick squeezing rules and the boner swallowing.


I was sent these pictures from a gay friend who has personally had sex with most of the BYU players.

First, here is a picture of Queer Face Austin Collie rolling over after having sex with another man. They both look quite satisfied don't they?

Here is a picture of Douch Fag Dennis Pitta being kissed by his hairy boyfriend. He is planning on moving to Massachusetts with him after he graduates so they can get married.

Finally, This is a picture of Collie and Pitta both with "Pin Cushion For Dicks" Max Hall. Hall is in his off-the-field attire. He is especially fond of his parasol.
I'm sure you can tell by the pictures but I should point out that they all have tiny penises.

Another interesting fact, the BYU football team is the largest consumer of baby oil and anal lube in the world, barely beating out the adult film industry.

Like I said, this isn't necessarily surprising but I just didn't know the extent of how public these gays were with their lives.

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